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Amethyst Series


In these pictures I have used real amethyst crystals for their emotional and physical healing power as well as their spiritual properties.

Mein Freund und Ich_edited.jpg

Amethyst Series, "My friend & I", 30x30cm

Ich 30x30cm_edited.jpg

Amethyst Series, "My friend & I", 30x30cm

Meteorit 30x30cm.jpg

Amethyst Series, "Meteorite", 30x30cm

How can amethyst protect you?
Known as the 'all-purpose stone', amethyst is a protective stone that helps to relieve stress and anxiety in your life and the associated symptoms such as headaches, tiredness and restlessness.

It also helps with cell regeneration (it supports your bones and joints) and is said to improve your skin (Hildegard von Bingen).

Why is amethyst so powerful?
Amethyst is known for its strong connection to spirituality and its ability to provide clarity and insight. It is associated with both the third eye and the crown chakra and promotes spiritual growth, intuition and higher consciousness.

What does the amethyst say about you?
The amethyst is a symbol of serenity, peace, moderation and royalty. Wearing an amethyst is said to bring balance, wisdom, calm and mastery to the wearer.

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