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Book (A Stop on the Way) Launch Aomori Prefecture, Japan

Born into a French-Finnish family, Carolina is fascinated from a young age by the many languages and cultural differences around her. After her studies in biology, in the southwest of France, she moves first to the US and then to the UK, where she works for various agro-chemical companies.


Pushed by a desire to discover the world she lives in, she leaves her daily routine behind and travels around the world (2002-2003). Her travels take her to the Middle East, Africa and Oceania. From this experience, she will write her debut book “Mint Tea to Maori Tattoo” published in 2012.


A few years later, back in Europe, she meets her future Australian husband on a crowded square in Barcelona, Spain. Together, they move to Munich, Germany, for work, with their first child, Xavier. A year later, Aksel is born.


As soon as the German government talks about taking on asylum seekers (2013), Carolina engages in setting a group of volunteers in her town to help the new comers. From her social engagement, she writes her second book “Haltestelle Poing" published in German in 2016, in French as "Leur Périple" in 2017 and as "A Stop on the Way” in English in 2019 .

In 2018, the whole family moves to northeast Japan for two years for work. There, Carolina discovers a new culture, a culture where social rules of respect and politeness highly matter. She has the opportunity to learn more about the country, its people and its traditions, as well as to take part in various activities including calligraphy, ikebana and even the yosakoi dance. Her last book “Sakura, Sakura” published in 2021 depicts her adventure in the land of the rising sun.


With calligraphy and paintings completed on wood that she found washed up on the beach in Japan, she slowly opens the door to the universe of art. After retuning to Germany, she starts exploring various artistic styles, discovers new materials (pigments, shellac, modelling pastes) and learns about a broad range of painting techniques including intuitive painting, golden leaf techniques, pouring and oxidation amongst others.


In 2022, Carolina develops the Dragonfly Project, a collection of water colour paintings of dragonflies highlighted with gold leaf. These paintings are used as a backdrop for a series of art & music conceptual concerts produced by composer & flutist Raphaelle Zaneboni under the name “Luft, Licht, Klangbild”. Together Carolina and Raphaelle perform in concerts in and around Munich with the participation of pianist Susanne Massmann. 


In parallel, Carolina also participates regularly in exhibitions in the Munich area, as well as in digital exhibitions around the world including NY, Berlin, La Palma de Mallorca and Venice.


Salon du Livre, Paris
Yosakoi Team, Japan

In a nutshell


In her books, Carolina shares her personal experiences, her ideas, her life learnings. In her paintings, she plays with colours, shapes and structures to create art that will touch the soul of the observer and tap into their own emotions. Her goal is to offer joy, hope and inner peace.


To Carolina, art goes hand in hand with beauty, freedom of expression and releasing control. For her, appreciating art and beauty in the world around us brings personal happiness, a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of being exactly where we are meant to be.


She is convinced that open mindedness, tolerance and appreciation are the key to a better world.

List of published books:


- Mint Tea to Maori Tattoo (in English, Bright Pen) ISBN 9780755214730, published in 2012.


- A Stop on the Way (in English, ISBN 9783738608434, published in 2019.

... also available in German and French:

- Haltestelle Poing (in German, ISBN 9783741210341, published in 2016.

Leur Périple (in French, ISBN 9782322084081, published in 2017.


- Sakura, Sakura (in English, ISBN 9783752658385, published in 2021.



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